Introducing JUnit JSON Params

Yesterday, I released junit-json-params, a small java library built on JUnit 5 that enables parameterizing unit tests with inline JSON and JSON resource files.

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Installing .NET Core on OSX

Note: this post contains outdated instructions for a problem that occurred installing .NET core on OSX in 2016. suggests that you can now install dotnet core on macOS by running brew install dotnet. The instructions at are also worth reading rather than this post.

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My Geek Origin Story

Like many a software engineer does again and again, I'm restarting my blog. This time I'm going to kick this iteration off with an idea inspired by Michael Kordahi (@delicateGenius) many years ago for Tech.Ed 2011, the Geek Origin Story.

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Detecting and Preventing Corrupt Software Downloads

In the past I and several of my colleagues have run into problems when attempting to install software downloaded from the MSDN Subscriber Downloads or elsewhere. One possible cause for this is file corruption either due to an incomplete download, or caused later when copying the file to another device (e.g. over a local network or via flaky USB drives). This problem is easy to detect and prevent.

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app.config and Dev Prod Test databases

In well designed enterprise apps, it is often the case that your application will run in multiple environments, and against different databases (Development, Test, and Production). This can lead to issues when it comes to storing connections strings.

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